Monday, September 7, 2015

Bean Box

Coffee lovers everywhere rejoice!  You can now get a variety of coffee beans delivered to your door each month! Coffee is a universal language.  It's used for every situation from old friends reminiscing to the drink that greets your lips every morning.  If you're anything like me coffee isn't just a drink anymore, it is a further extension of oneself. When I heard that there was a subscription box for coffee I immediately looked into it.

Bean Box is a coffee subscription company headquartered in Seattle, which I like to refer to as the coffee capitol of the United States.  The first time I heard about Bean Box was when I was surfing the everything page on Pinterest.  It was then that it dawned on me that Pinterest is one of the best advertising outlets a company can use. Not only is it basically free advertising, but it is promoted by the consumer.  When other consumers promote a product, it's viewed more favorably by all.  This random stranger's promotion of this box prompted me to click further to the website to find out more information.   They offered customers $5 off the first box, which hooked this caffeine addict immediately.

1 comment:

  1. I saw your post and was immediately interested in Bean Box! I like the idea behind Bean Box because I enjoy trying new flavors of coffee. I think offering a coupon for 5$ off your first order is a great idea because its a great way of attracting new business.
